The business handbag has a strict design and solid bottom, not too long handle, zipper and minimal decoration. It is suitable in all events related to the work ,who taking place during the day. Do not carry it over your shoulder, if the model does not allow it. It is preferable to choose a model in which to fit more things and at the same time does not look too bulky.
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Week of the bag * Day 5 * Big Bag
Multipurpose bag with large size. It is characterized by sports and travel bags in its elegance. It is indispensable during traveling to small distances, when walking in the park, especially with children. It can be worn with casual wear. When purchasing such bags do not make savings,choose the quality bag with comfortable handles.
Read MoreWeek of the bag * Day 3* Evening bag
A small bag that is worn in hand. This bag complements the vision, if you have a cocktail or evening dress. The more extravagant outfit is, the more reticent to be the design of the bag and back. How to choose: the evening bag should be only for money (card), handkerchiefs, lipstick, keys and nothing else. It is best color to match the ornaments.
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